Aim and scope

Acta Elbingensia is a multidisciplinary scientific journal that has been published since 2003. Acta Elbingensia prefers scientific articles in the field of medical and health sciences, whose authors are scientists, outstanding students or clinicians coming not only from the region, but also from various academic and clinical centers all over the world.
The aim of the journal is to promote the scientific development of the region and to involve its representatives, especially young scientists and practitioners, in global discussion and exchange of knowledge, as well as encouraging them to integrate and establish supra-regional cooperation, the long-term goal of which is to build a strong international scientific community.
The main area of interest of the journal are articles in the field of medical sciences and health sciences (medical sciences, health sciences, pharmaceutical sciences, physical culture sciences), however, the journal may also publish interdisciplinary articles on the border of medical sciences and health sciences and other scientific fields and disciplines of high cognitive and scientific value.
Acta Elbingensia is published once a year, in December, in digital and printed versions. The primary version of the journal is the online version. The articles are published without delay in open access mode, and the costs related to their publication are covered by the Academy of Applied Medical and Social Sciences in Elbląg (Poland), which is the owner and publisher of the journal, from its own funds. If external funding is obtained, this information will be posted on the journal's website.
Acta Elbingensia is registered in the international ISSN database under the number: Linking ISSN 1730-9980.
The journal publishes the following types of articles: original works, case reports, review works and letters to the editor.
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