Analysis of medical records from 2018–2020 of the Neonatology Department of the Provincial Hospital in Elbląg in terms of the occurrence of congenital malformations
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Faculty of Health Science, Academy of Applied Medical and Social Sciences in Elbląg, Poland
Submission date: 2023-11-02
Acceptance date: 2023-12-08
Online publication date: 2023-12-31
Corresponding author
Anna Ewa Tałaj   

Faculty of Health Science, Academy of Applied Medical and Social Sciences in Elbląg, Lotnicza 2, 82-300 Elbląg, Poland.
Acta Elbingensia 2023;50(1):51-56
Congenital malformations are defined as anatomical and functional abnormalities within tissues and organs. They are one of the most common causes of death and are most often associated with physical and intellectual disabilities.

The aim of the study is to determine the type of congenital malformations diagnosed in newborns of the Neonatology Department of the Provincial Combined Hospital in Elbląg in 2018–2020.

Material and methods:
The research material consisted of medical records of newborns born in 2018–2020 in the Neonatology Department of the Provincial Combined Hospital in Elbląg.

Results and discussion:
The largest number of children with congenital malformations were diagnosed in 2018 (58.6%). Most of the them occurred in boys (55.7%). The highest detection rate was in the first pregnancy (35.7%) and among primiparous women (40%). The 66.7% of the first twins examined had a congenital malformations and the second twin accounted for 33.3%. There were no in-vitro fertilizations. Deaths among the examined children with congenital malformations accounted for 4.3% of the children. The most defects (19) were detected in the circulatory system.

(1) Congenital heart defect in the form of ventricular septal defect was the most common defect among the newborns examined. (2) None of the independent variables influenced the occurrence of congenital heart defects in the examined newborns. (3) Most congenital malformations were diagnosed in the circulatory system of the examined newborns. (4) Only the week of pregnancy had an impact on the occurrence of a congenital malformation in the circulatory system in the examined newborns.
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